Sunday, February 9, 2025

Star Trek: MASH and Star Trek: CSI?

I have been gifted a copy of Star Trek: Captains Log, which is a solo journaling variant of the 2d20 Star Trek Adventures game by Modiphius. I have two ideas for a Star Trek campaign and either should work for my '52 in 2025' writing project. I'll eventually pursue both, but which should I go after first?

Star Trek: MASH (a working title) is set aboard a Federation medical ship skirting the edge of the Dominion war, performing desperately needed science and medical services in the wake of that conflict. The main character would likely be the senior medical officer aboard the ship, directing their staff of doctors and supporting staff as well as interacting with the captain and crew of the ship. Drawing  ideas from shows like MASH, E.R., as well as sci-fi series like James White's Hospital Station and S.L. Viehl's Stardoc books. Personal drama (doctors vs. doctors), medical mysteries (strange infection of the week), exploring the 'human' condition during wartime, are all themes to explore.

Star Trek: CSI (also a working title) would be a crime solving drama focusing on a small team of specialists who solve technical and science mysteries and incidents around the Federation. TV shows like CSI, NCIS and Scorpion are primary inspirations, as would titles in the Tom Clancy 'verse. While the commanding officer should be a Star Fleet officer, several of the team members might not be; the diversity of skills, talents and abilities needed by the team would reach well beyond standard Star Fleet training and experience. This team would probably be based out of a star base, and either catch rides on whatever starships they could to get to their mission sites as well as probably have their own small fleet of Runabout style ships for their use. 

Star Trek Adventures Captains Log is a slimmed down version of the 2d20 Star Trek Adventures game; It uses the same attributes and disciplines, focuses and values, so characters translate easily between both versions. 

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