Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A post-game 'in-character' post

This is a follow-up to my previous post about the Star Trek Adventures game we started playing.
I had so much fun playing that game, I felt that a post-game 'in-character' report was appropriate for several reasons: A) it helped improve my understanding of my character, B) helps communicate that character to other players/readers, C) records for posterity the events of that game session, and D) extends the fun of the campaign when away from 'the table.'

I've been a fan of the concept of 'blue booking' as Aaron Alston put it so many years ago, but rarely had a chance to put it to the test. Nowadays, with actual game sessions happening at best once a month, I feel the practice is even more important to maintain connection between players and characters and the campaign world they play in. Hopefully this keeps the momentum going during the long downtimes between actual gatherings.

I should also add that the advent of FaceBook and other widely-accessible social medias, especially those that allow for private and semi-private groups, also can help with maintaining connections and momentum for a game group.

Anyway, all that aside, here's what Captain Joran Kyl, commanding officer of the Stargazer had to report to StarFleet Command after the last game session:


<<BEGIN Encryption report>>
<<FROM: Joran Kyl, Commander, Commanding Officer: NCC-2893-A Stargazer>>
<<CYPHER codex: SFC.RE.Romeo-Omicron-Foxtrot-Lima-Michael-Alpha-Omicron>>
<<CYPHER key: Wiskey-Tango-Foxtrot-9925>>
<<CONTEXT TAGS ASSIGNED: Unknown contact, sapient rights, Xindi coalition, Conflict report>>
Stardate 49124.1

For those just being read into this situation report, here's a summary of my previous mission reports: 
Stargazer's first mission post-shakedown was to rendezvous with runabout 'Charon' and take onboard the contractor repair team, and one Lt.Kadar, and then to proceed into the Paulson nebulae to discover why Federation Automated Communication Post 1337 had stopped all communications. We were able to track down the likely location of FCPA-1337. Only the station wasn't there. Only radioactive dust remained. We extended our search, finding small parts of the obliterated station. Analysis by science team concluded the station had been obliterated by critical nuclear decoupling reaction (i.e. a 'nuclear warhead'), delivered by an ion-powered missile. As of last report, Stargazer was setting out to follow the ion trail left by the missile back to its source.

At Stardate 49123.3 Stargazer encountered a previously unknown stellar system at the approximate coordinates <<INSET.ASTRONAVIGATION.COORDINATES>>. We nearly hit the stellar corona; there was no sign of this system on charts or sensors before automatic collision avoidance dropped us out of warp just in time. 

Immediate sensor scans identified an M-class world in the system, with signs of pre-Warp civilization craft moving about between the other bodies of the star system: the classic signs of a near-maturity and previously unknown and un-contacted civilization. In accordance with the Prime Directive I ordered Sargazer behind the primary star and deployed sensor drones so that we could observe and evaluate this civilization. 

Our initial assumption that this was a pre-warp civilization were incorrect, however, when our sensor drones suddenly went silent and a large modern-technology starship of unknown origin or configuration rounded the corona of the star with shields raised and weapons armed. In retrospection I realize that the unidentified ship must have been on the far side of the M-class planet when we initially entered system and thus we were unaware of it's presence. I ordered shields raised as a defensive measure. We transmitted on universal hailing frequencies our non-hostile intentions only to be met by subspace jamming. Not only did this opponent not want to talk; they didn't want us talking to anyone else either. Lt. Kadar's instincts proved themselves as sharp as ever as she intuited their attack just in time to avoid most of their initial volley, some sort of EMP blast intended to cripple us. Lt. Zynes' limited scans of the ship informed us that she was heavy on automation but light on crew yet she out-massed us a great deal. Roughly equivalent to an Ambassador-class Federation heavy cruiser. Stargazer was not up for a straight-up fight against such an opponent.

{Personal note: In my recovery after WOLF359, I recall spending time with a distant niece and the story from Earth she wanted me to read to her. I don't recall all the details from the tale, but the protagonists use of a 'Briar patch' to their advantage against a larger predator stuck with me.}

I ordered Lt.Tyvass to return fire and Kadar to go to warp back to the Paulson Nebulae. Tyvass scored a hit against the opponents engines, temporarily draining them of power and buying Stargazer an opening to go to warp. With a bloody nose, I doubted they'd give up the chase now and my suspicions were proven correct when we detected the unknown in pursuit. 

En route to the Nebulae, i called a quick team meeting and outlined my plan: I intended to lead our attacker into the Nebulae, where Lt.Zynes' previous extensive mapping of the gravitational fields and eddies would be used to our advantage; we were going to fight back with intent to disable our opponent and then offer them an opportunity to surrender. I asked my XO, Cmdr Delix to take command down in engineering for the meantime. Unlike other captains, I like all my section leaders to know the plan, in case the chain of command gets broken for whatever reason.

Again, i have to call attention to the skill Lt.Kadar has with shiphandling. As we dropped out of warp at the nebulae's edge, she dodged a grav-wave that sent our pursuer into a wild skid to retain control. Tyvass was ready with our guns and put phaser strikes into their engines and weapons. The attacker again tried to use their EMP wave against us, but again Kadar nimbly sidestepped the attack. I asked Chief Ray to power up our secondary core for more power, which he provided promptly. This gave us enough to strike again, knocking their shields out entirely and causing secondary explosions across the enemy's weapon systems.

Having given our opponent a thoroughly rough handling, I decided it was time to try some gunboat diplomacy. I recorded a message, offering them the chance to stand down and that we didn't seek their destruction. 

While the enemy re-established their shields, Kadar informed me she felt 'panic and disorder' aboard the enemy ship. 

I recorded another message: "Surrender or we will end this. Expeditiously." and sent that while ordering Tyvass to load torpedoes.

We received a weak communications signal from someone identifying themselves as "Dr.Okathra," who informed us that he and several others who have been prisoners on the ship have broken free in the chaos, but that the ships self-destruct has been set.

I ordered Tyvass to use our phasers to bring down their shields, then Kadar to bring us close enough for transporters.
Sensors indicated only a couple dozen lifeforms onboard. I ordered security to setup a containment field in the main cargo bay, and the transporter teams to start bringing everyone on the ship over and into the 'cage'. Tyvass headed down to take command of the security situation himself.

I confess: I cut things too close. The enemy ship's core detonated sooner than intended, and the nebulae amplified the explosion. We found ourselves tossed to the floor and main power was lost. Once the bridge was back under order, I left Kadar at con to handle damage control, while Lt.Zynes and I took the long climb down to the cargo bay.

We had to pry ourselves into the cargo bay. We found a standoff: when main power failed, the containment field also failed briefly. Captors, prisoners and my own security people were both inside and outside the containment zone in the aftermath of a wild melee. Tyvass, bloodied but unbowed had just gotten back the upper hand. 

When it was apparent that they were truly captured, the captors all committed suicide or attacked each other with intent to kill to be killed. Security stunned all they could but all but one of the captors died. The risk of toxic exposure to the rest of the crew forced me to leave the dead in the containment field for now. Dr. Okathra and most of the prisoners survived and were taken to medical, along with the surviving captor who was unconscious.

I then made my way down to engineering, finding that Delix had already begun damage control assignments. The explosion had knocked out our FTL and internal communications, and both drive cores were down. Chief Ray was already going EVA to stop a plasma leak from one our nacelles. While bad, this wasn't terminal. <<INSET.REF: CPO. Ray's damage reports>>
Seeing things were well in hand, I left for Medical.

I spent some time talking with Dr.Okathra, who turns out is a Xindi Arboreal. A geneticist by training, he told of how he and his team were conducting research into genetic maladies and the eternal challenge of bringing the various Xindi peoples back together. Wildly controversial among the Xindi population as a whole, he chose to relocate to a lesser known space to avoid trouble. And yet trouble is what he got when his FTL communications were cut, then an unknown ship appeared in their skies. Their Captors took them prisoner, forced them to perform genetics testing of various kinds. The timelines between the lost of communication from FCPA-1337 coincides with the timeline from Dr.Okathra. Assuring him we would do our best to right the wrongs he and his people suffered, I left him in Lt.Kadar's care; perhaps with counseling we can learn more about what happened.

Our EMH handled the autopsies of the dead and the captors and the 'Moreau's' (his term, I'll have to go look up the reference later) with the assistance of Lt. Zynes. While I'm no xenobiologist, here are the big takeaway points:

1. The 'captors' (a dozen humans, one Vulcan, one Tellurite) all underwent extensive biometric and genetic modifications to defy identification. Their remains are currently in stasis.

2. The unidentified humanoids are biogenic composites; a patchwork (in the very literal sense) of disparate genomes that somehow managed to work together. About 90% of the genomes can be identified leaving 10% unknown. Primarily these poor beings are drawn from Xindi species (yes, all six of them). Finally: whatever genetic 'glue' that held them together breaks down quickly after death: the bodies started decomposing before autopsy could be finished.

3. I have one of the captors still alive, but in dire state. The EMH doctor has this individual in a medical coma until they can be stabilized.

<<INSET.REF: Lt.Zynes autopsy reports>>

My ship is damaged, but still quite capable. 
We've taken out the major enemy space-based asset in the system. 
Given the information that Dr.Okathra has given me I feel it imperative to return to the unknown system to rescue any remaining of Dr.Okathra's people. And to hopefully learn more about the people behind these atrocities.

P.S. This has been one hell of a 'milk run' so far.

~Commander Joran Kyl, C/O NCC-2893-A Stargazer.

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